Monday, January 10, 2011

The Mummichog Manuscript Is Just About Ready To Go

I took advantage of the snow day today to do a final round of polishing on the manuscript by Kris and me, "Phylogeography of the Killifish Fundulus heteroclitus (Mummichog) Based on the Cytochrome b Gene". One good sign is getting it down to 18 pages as I've slashed soft verbiage and redundancy. With any comments from Kris, and a last round of checking the format so that Northeastern Naturalist will like it, I'll send it out.

We got six inches of snow in Huntsville overnight, which is about as much as get in a typical year. Today was the scheduled first day of the spring semester, but that didn't happen as everything in town was shut (no snow plows!). I feel lucky that we were able to get out last week to do various stream work, ahead of what's likely to be this week's wintry weather.


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