Sunday, February 25, 2007

Now I Have A 4WD Vehicle

I flew up to Baltimore on Friday and drove back with a 1994 4WD Toyota truck. Toyota designed these older trucks explicity for off-road use, and I'll be putting it (and me) to the test this Saturday when we return to Hurricane Creek for our March collection of telescope shiners. Passenger capacity is probably five in the cab, at least for carrying people in the 4 miles on what passes for an access road through the gates. All I have to do is get the truck registered and insured this week, with a probable visit to my mechanic. It should be fun!

Tomorrow I hope to get with Kris back on the track of PCR of the mummichog mtDNA. We have a bunch of it ready to go; maybe we can do purification of one or two samples and have them sequenced in the sequencer down the hall (really!) and hope that it works. Yeah, I'm at rish for being a gene jockey at this rate.


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