Sunday, May 20, 2007

New Length-Weight Data For Telescope Shiners

We've been working on the 25 telescope shiners collected at Hurricane Creek on May 5. Their length-weight data are plotted in the graph below (in light blue) along with the February, March and April collections. We didn't find any individuals quite as big as several we found in April, but the overall average size of the fish is significantly larger based on a two-tailed t-test comparing April and May. Once again we found a lot more females, by a ratio of 18:7. Removing and weighing gonadal tissues also yields some very high GSI values (ovarian mass / body mass) for some of the females, as high as 25. So we found a group of reproductively active, well-fed fish on May 5. And remember, if you click on the graph below it will appear in a separate window in legible form.


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