Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Flame Chub Crusade Continues, Too

I hadn't heard about my flame chub manuscript that I submitted last June to the journal Endangered Spec. Rsch. so I sent an email to the editor. Boy was he embarrassed, it had basically disappeared as he had forwarded it to an editor in Kenya who seems to be MIA(?). So I've resubmitted to another senior editor. The joke is that it's not a completely finished manuscript, I was looking for their input that it's something they're interested in so I could finish the range maps / tables to fit their format. In spite of this I still want to publish it with them since I think it covers the appropriate field.

I'm having a lab meeting with students in my lab tomorrow afternoon at 2 to organize this semester's work. We'll get back on the scarlet & telescope shiner track which will take several forms. And we've got to get on to sequencing stippled studfish DNA. Kris is now ready to write up his results with mummichog DNA sequencing, which I think will be worth it. No big breakthroughs, but it will expand upon what is known about mummichog population structure and by inference recent evolutionary history. I'll definitely keep you posted.


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