Sunday, May 08, 2011

A Driftnet In The Flint

I went driftnetting yesterday on the Flint with Doug and Alex. The water was relatively high but manageable for one net anyway; a second in the spot we prefer would have been a serious wrestling bout. The flow meter measured the bottom flow at 380 turns/60 seconds (~0.4 m/sec), the depth at the spot was 55 cm, and the water was 16 deg. C. The river had been much higher and violent last Wednesday when I went there, to the point that we couldn't have safely set even the one net. A bunch of new large trees (including rootballs) are now strewn along the banks after the storms of the past 2 weeks. The river substrate is very well scoured after a series of violent events. Hopefully the fish liked all the excitement!


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