An Easy Trip In & Out Of The Walls Of Jericho
This month's trip to the Walls of Jericho to collect telescope shiners went well. The whole state is under a heat advisory but hanging out in a fairly shady creek wasn't so bad. We caught 40 telescopes in not even 45 minutes because the creek was so low. This means that we didn't have to run around as much as we usually do, good on a day when it was about 97 deg. F.
Below is a picture of one of the many frogs hanging out in the streambed rocks that are usually covered by water. He held still just long enough on Loren's hand for me to turn on the macro-focus feature on my camera, steady my hands for the shot, and make the shot.
This was Jennifer's first trip to Hurricane Creek with us. She's also driven in with a bird netting team from Alabama A&M. I was honored, she said that riding in my (hotrod) Toyota truck was smoother than the Ford F-150 A&M truck. Partially I think it's because I've learned how to drive the road, with all of its protruding sandstone and oddly placed mudholes.
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