Saturday, September 01, 2007

More ELISA Data, And Counting & Measuring Oocytes

Jennifer's ELISA run earlier this week worked well. It seems that we have accurate 11-KT values for 6 scarlet shiner alpha males, 6 sub-alpha males, and 5 females. This most recent ELISA run was based on blood plasma dilutions of 1:1000 and 1:10000 because some males have such high levels of 11-KT. Now we have to figure out the best way to quantify intensity and saturation of red pigment colors in these fish. We have several leads, hopefully one works out soon.

I've also been working with four students on standardizing our counting and characterization of telescope shiner oocytes. Everyone is supposed to look at the same three fish from May. The first run yielded good size data, but some confusion of what characterizes early maturing vs. late maturing vs. mature oocytes. So we've all re-done our counts, and from looking at peoples' notebooks yesterday I think we're on the same wavelength. I think I might set up a system where two people will look at each fish, and we'll average their counts if they seem similar. Trying to accurately count even 60 eggs in a digital image is harder than it looks.

Next Saturday is our last scheduled trip to the Walls of Jericho to collect telescope shiners. I'm sure that their gonads are regressed, but I'm curious to collect length/weight data and maybe find some undeniable young of the year. A university photographer might go with us, we'll see, I know that everyones' schedules are in flux.

Hey Enrique, if you read this, come by the Bishop lab at 10 on Tuesday.


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