Tuesday, September 09, 2008

DNA Sequences Soon, Brain Dissection Practice

Kris has dropped off his last four mummichog DNA sequences at Operon to be sequenced, apparently we'll receive them in the next day or so. And he dropped off one of our stippled studfish sequences, a fish from Hillabee Creek, as a test sequence which should be ready tonight. Hopefully we're about to receive lots of sequence information. It seems almost routine nowadays, so bring it on.

And I showed Brittany how to dissect intact brains out of scarlet shiners this afternoon. She's game for the telescope shiner project, so we're practicing on some scarlets we collected last April. On her first solo fish she almost got the whole brain out intact, only slashing some of the telencephalon. Another one or two and she'll be ready for one of the June telescope shiners. It's yet another form of real biology!


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