Friday, August 29, 2008

ASB Meeting In Huntsville, AL, In 2011

The Association of Southeastern Biologists (ASB) will meet in Huntsville in March or April of 2011. I will be working as local host on behalf of our Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. This meeting draws upwards of 1200 participants, so it's a good-sized meeting. It will take place at the von Braun Center (VBC) in town (yeah, shooting Nazi rockets and all of that stuff...) which will be a good venue.

I was part of an ASB group that toured the VBC this morning. We stared at all of the rooms in the place, figured out what events can take place where, and kicked around ideas for food and opening receptions (with barbecue? who knows?). I'll be the one receiving abstracts for talks and posters, which will hopefully be automated by then. I hope to set up a special session or two involving native fishes, maybe with NANFA participation. So I'll help to set up and run parties, and also set up and run academic type presentations, the meeting will go by like a blur I suspect.

My next posting should involve some figures relating to stippled studfish habitat, especially eutrophication of the Tallapoosa. I thought I had it with me this evening but I didn't. Travis and Kris were working this afternoon on purifying DNA from gel cutouts using the Geneclean kits, I'm still not sure what happened. If anyone knows, please tell me.


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