Saturday, January 24, 2009

Trying To Figure Out The 11-KT Treated Scarlets

Brittany has been working on ways to analyze the results of our 11-KT treatment of scarlet shiners. We're using 80+ wild-caught scarlet shiners from Enrique's thesis as a broad control group, since he created a large data set of length-weight relations. Below is the graph of the 11-KT scarlets vs. the much more numerous Enrique set. This is only the first step, we're going to compare only the Enrique fish less than 60 mm long since that's the maximum size of the 11-KT fish. So we'll see if we have a difference in weight at a given size. The regression lines in the figure are polynomial, which fit the data much better than linear. The Enrique fish have a lower r-squared than the 11-KT treatment because that set includes fully adult breeding males and females who we know to have different length/weight relations. So the smaller data set is likely to have an r-squared closer to the 11-KT group. But, I'll post that when it's done.


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