Friday, February 05, 2010

Wow, A Quick Manuscript Decline

I'm impressed by the editor at Behavioural Brain Research. It only took him about 28 hours to politely pass on our dimorphism manuscript. It was an interesting turn of phrase, below:

"This is to acknowledge receipt of your manuscript. I am sorry to inform you that a preliminary review of your manuscript by members of the Editorial Board found that the subject of the paper is not a high priority for Behavioural Brain Research. Due to an increasingly high number of submissions, and a large backlog of papers awaiting publication, we are at present accepting only manuscripts with an initially high priority rating. I am sorry about this negative evaluation and hope it does not dissuade you from submitting contributions to Behavioural Brain Research in the future."

We don't suck, they're just not interested in the topic. I now realize that this is likely to be true of all neuroscience journals; they're interested in a very narrow range of hot topics, like stem cells or apparently anything to do with mice. Our work is too interdisciplinary, about several obscure species of freshwater fishes. So, for our next move, I think we're going to submit it to Freshwater Biology. They're more of an applied ecology journal who have always had broad interests. I guess we'll test this perceived broadness. Have they ever published an article that uses western blots? I honestly don't know, it should be interesting...


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