Friday, July 29, 2011

We Found Fish And All That At The Flint

We put the new flowmeter to work at the Flint River today, and all is well. I had to leave after the first transect (following driftnetting) to go to a Master's report presentation. On that transect we found a bunch of banded darters in the middle of the river, a few scattered black snubnoses, and then a bunch of redlines in the fast flowing side channel over gravel and cobble. It was an impressive example of niche partitioning.

I got DNA data back from IXG, it looks like the third primer they designed for me for sequencing the mitochondrial cyt-b gene of Fundulus species works. I still have to open up that data set and look closely, but I think what they sent me fills in the gap in the middle of the sequence. So now I can move on to the Telogia fish, I hope!


At 8:41 AM, Blogger selina said...

If you ever need volunteers, my husband I would love to help.



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