Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Silver Shiner/Banded Darter Manuscript Out On Review

I heard from an editor at Southeastern Naturalist today, they've decided to put out manuscript out on review. That's a good sign. Now I have two manuscripts on review at SENat.

I applied for a permit to do driftnetting at Borden Creek in the Sipsey Wilderness. Jera, the Forest Service biologist I sent the application to, asked if we would be able to avoid catching the drifting glochidia (larvae) of endangered mussels in the creek. Probably not, because they're about the same size as some other animals we catch (about a mm or 2), but then I thought that we'd never seen any in driftnet collections from the Flint and Paint Rock rivers. Do we just not catch them, or do we mash them up beyond recognition in emptying the driftnet? I would know one if I saw it. Hopefully this question won't hang up our application; I don't know what listed mussels are in Borden Creek although it doesn't surprise me that they might be present. If they grant a permit, I hope to start this project on Jan. 22, the day before the next new moon. Borden Creek is such a beautiful site I look forward to doing this project.


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