Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Telescope Shiner Article Nearly Ready

I have a tight draft of the telescope shiner article near ready, nine pages of intro and text with one table and three figures. It's short but to the point. All of the evidence we collected shows that telescopes are reproductively competent from April - June, which is what has been generally observed before. But I'm sure of it now... Andrew and Brittany have copies of all of this for review, as co-authors. From here I'll have to track down Lindsay and Loren as the other two co-authors. I know that Loren is at the Sea Lab so that shouldn't be too hard. If this looks good to everyone, I have it pretty much formatted for submission to American Midland Naturalist.

Meanwhile, we're still trying to figure out how to get clean sequences from the stippled studfish DNA. We're achingly close; is it a question of using the right H primer, or keeping the reaction tubes cold during the GeneClean gel purifications? I hope to tell you soon.


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