Monday, July 13, 2009

OK, We'll Resubmit To NeuroReport

The editor of NeuroReport is open to us resubmitting our NMDA receptor paper (with no snarky comments this time, I hope). We'll include our recent western blots of scarlet, telescope and silverstripe shiner brains, all of which reinforces our original observation of variation in male and female brain size and function related to reproductive strategy. So we have to come up with a figure showing these NMDA concentration differences. We think we know what need to do on that... Andrew's on it, so away we go.

Also, as a follow-up to my previous post on my lab -- I'm happy to let people play music in the lab as they work as long as no one feels too offended. My basic house rules are simple: no Lynyrd Skynyrd, and no Dave Matthews Band. Anything else is fine: death metal, punk rock, acid damage, etc.


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