Sunday, September 11, 2011

Photos From Estill Fork On August 26

I went to Estill Fork last Aug. 26 with Robert, Alex and Jeremy to collect darters for Robert's gill parasite project. We were able to collect a good number of stripetails, and enough rainbows and redlines to make it worthwhile. The water was way down since it hadn't rained for three weeks, as seen in the photo below -

Robert and Alex are hanging out on the bank as we prepare to pack up the darters in very dilute formaldehyde to take home on ice.

Robert makes sure the euthanized darters are in enough of 1/4000 formaldehyde before putting them on ice.

We'll have to return later this month, for the last darters for Robert's project, and to do the last transect for Brian's project. The stream should be somewhat higher with the almost 15 cm of rain we've received so far this month.


At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that i enjoy reading your blog posts. Reread a bunch of older ones in the last hour.
Getting cold, the season for submersal is coming on. Maybe one more month and then its full body shivers if you take the plunge.



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